You wrote a book. Now what?

You wrote a book. Now what?

You wrote a book!?
First up, CONGRATULATIONS. I know (personally) what an enormous feat that is! Formulating your thoughts, hopes, heartbreaks, and dreams into actual sentences and chapters and then having the bold faith to release it into the world is nothing short of amazing. I am so #proud of you.
Perhaps you are just crossing the finish line and hitting #publish and it is time to *gasp* #MARKET the book. Now what?
... or maybe your book has existed for a few months or even years and it just didn't get the #traction you hoped it would. How do you give it new life? How do you get your book to do the things you hoped it would?
In 2018, my family launched a book called Faith Over Fear: Walking Angie Home. It quickly surpassed 1000 copies sold which we were THRILLED about. But when the initial launch died down, I found myself asking these same questions.
How do I spread this story further to reach the people that need it?
How do I keep sharing about it when I feel like I'm out of words?
How do I keep talking about it in ways that will spark new interest?
How do I keep this message alive?
Here's the deal, I know your message is #powerful. I know #God laid those words on your heart to share. I know how impactful your #story can be to the right audience.... if only you could find them.
I also know that once you have written a #book, and published the book, and marketed the heck out of the book, YOU NEED HELP to keep going.
So, if you are in this space where you have given #allofthewords and are struggling to gain #momentum, I would love to help you.
My #marketing plans are ideal for #authors and small heart-centered businesses. Here's what I will do:
  1. I will personally meet with you via Zoom to really understand your message, your heart, and your goals.
  2. Then I will read YOUR book cover to cover and pull out all of the gold nuggets for use in marketing materials.
  3. I will create a year-long content calendar that will feed your social media channels, your blog, and your email list while writing ALL of the content you will need on your behalf.
  4. I will also create your social media images.
  5. And write a ready to publish article for you to submit to media outlets.
  6. Plus, I'll create a Podcast Pitch sheet for you to use as a tool to get booked on podcasts!
  7. And I'll even give you a brain dump list of specific ways you can show up in video to your audience that feel authentic to your goals and mission.
You see, I know the journey can be lonely. (I'm on it too.) And I also know that despite the uphill climb, it is SO worth it. Let me carry your backpack for a bit. Let me help you up that mountain. Let's do this together.
Check out the packages I offer at this link or email me at for more details on how I can develop a marketing package to help you #amplify the #impact of your book, your heart-centered project, or your business.
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