Letters to God - Unbroken

Letters to God - Unbroken

by Megan Miller (Restoration Ranch)

Megan Miller of Restoration Ranch invites you into an intimate space of prayer through her personal letters to the Lord. May these letters be a catalyst for you to authentically pray to God about your own experiences and to receive a deeper sense of God's love and provision in your life.

Lord, I have cried out to You in my pain and begged for relief from my circumstances. I have desperately strived to “fix” things and push my way through hardships. I’ve desired to reverse time and the circumstances that have left me in a frantic state. In the face of my greatest burdens I've longed to reject my shattered state and instead find a way to be unbroken.

However, You've now given me eyes to see how You’ve helped me survive challenges I thought would overwhelm me. You’ve graced me with deposits of Your provision and healing along life’s journey. Amidst my begging to be relieved of my circumstances and heartaches, You have revealed a new definition of unbroken . . .

Unbroken is no longer a wholeness achieved by the evasion of experiences that knock me to my knees. Instead, I am beginning to see unbroken is how I gather my strength from leaning into You when these experiences crash in on my world. It’s a process of surrendering my striving and allowing You to teach me the wisdom that comes only from navigating the broken places day by day as I trust in Your provision to become a more refined version of who You’ve created me to be.

Unbroken is not hiding in shame that failures or disappointments exist, but embracing the lessons that come with the scars as I also embrace I am an imperfect, redeemed, and loved child of Yours. The lyrics from Leonard Cohen’s song “Anthem” remind me, “Forget your perfect offering. There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

Lord, You have taught me about the beauty that exists as You rise us up from the ashes. Becoming unbroken is not about striving for life without blemish and claiming perfection, but instead offering my imperfect life with confidence in who You are and the assurance of Your ability to shine through the cracks and the unique gifts You’ve bestowed.

Help my heart to embrace the love You have for me in my most broken places. Help me call upon the moments I can clearly sense Your presence in the joys and the dark valleys of life. Help me see the way you shine through in the kind word of a friend or even a stranger when I feel defeated. Remind me You are always present to me. Your provision will offer enough light to offer courage for the next step in my journey.

In this season of life, unbroken has started to become a place of taking bold steps, even while I am staring the fear of failure in the face. Help me find security in You instead of the comfort of old familiar patterns as I take the faithful steps You lead me to as something new is being revealed today and in the days ahead.

Help me embrace this new understanding of unbroken as being brave enough to be honest about my broken pieces . . . knowing that You have the power to transform and redeem my deepest pain, just as You did for Your Son on the cross.

Thank You for those who have gone before me . . . For the ways You encourage me with Your love and provision one day at a time as I step into the unknown. I take comfort knowing You are with me today, and You are already in my tomorrow.

Thank you that from the depths of my brokenness and my questioning You have held me in Your loving embrace.

Lord, as I take steps to trust in You, let the humble offering of my unbroken life offer light to those beginning, or continuing, to battle their own brokenness in this world.

Thank you for helping me find my way to boldly live unbroken as Your child in this world.


Megan Miller offers powerful space for your heart and soul at Restoration Ranch retreats, near Kimball, SD. She also encourages hearts along with 18 other authors in the Lighthouse Collections devotional. Learn more at www.RestorationRanchSD.com
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