

You’re not too much
Not too little
You don’t just meet
Somewhere in the middle
You’re not too tall
Not too short
You’re not too anything
Of the sort
You’re not too long
Not too wide
You don’t have to shrink
Or move aside
You’re not too loud
Not too quiet
Given a voice
Not kept silent
You’re not too shy
Not too bold
Not too young
Or too old
You’re not too brown
Not too white
Not too pasty
You’re just right
You’re not gonna ruin
What God has for you
Not gonna miss
What He’s called you to do
When you face your giants
You won’t have to bluff
You’ll find with God
You are just enough.
Rachel Ann Dittmer is the artist, poet, writer, interior designer, and blogger of lifegiver.site. Her art has been featured in the No Suicide event at her church the past three years, Tally Ho Art Gallery this year, and her decorating work has been featured in "This Old House" magazine. Rachel and her kids love going on weekly dates and can often be found getting Juice Stop tornadoes and visiting free libraries. She and her husband are in the midst of their fourth home remodel. She lives in Sioux Falls, SD, with her husband, Drew, five children, and two cats, and has a baby waiting for her in Heaven. 
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