Creator Connection: Six Arrows Design Co

Creator Connection: Six Arrows Design Co

In 2013, our sixth child was born prematurely, and his lungs were not quite ready for his arrival. It was recommended that I no longer provide in-home childcare to minimize his contact with germs and to keep him as healthy as possible. Still needing to help support our large family, I searched for things I could do at home. My best friend suggested I look into home décor, and that’s when the journey of sign-making began! I sold locally at craft sales, Facebook marketplace, and through word of mouth. As my business began to grow, I realized that I needed to move into the world of online sales and joined Etsy in May of 2014 with a website that soon followed.


When I first started out, my business name was Creative Home Décor. After I became a Christian in 2017, I started looking for a more Biblical name. In my search, I came across Psalm 127:4: “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.” That passage resonated with me and my goal to raise godly children, and that was when Six Arrows Design Co was born!


In the spring of 2018, my family and I embarked on an adventure that took us from the many lakes of Minnesota to the breathtaking beauty of Idaho in the Pacific Northwest. This move brought new experiences, new friends, and a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the great outdoors. Surrounded by the serenity and majesty of nature, we've found our piece of heaven in this little corner of the world.


In life, I find solace and inspiration in Matthew 11:28, which reminds me to find rest for my soul in the midst of life's hustle and bustle. This verse has guided me through the joys and challenges of motherhood, marriage, and all of life's adventures. Whether making signs, wrangling kids, playing with our dogs, exploring the PNW's breathtaking landscapes, or simply finding moments of peace, I'm grateful for every twist and turn in this amazing journey God has taken us on. His guidance and blessings have been evident every step of the way, and I attribute my success to His grace.


Thanks to the unwavering support of my customers, I have been able to provide for my family while enjoying the privilege of staying home to raise my children, a true testament to God's faithfulness in our lives.


I invite you to browse my shop, where I hope you find something that resonates with you and brings joy to your home. Thank you for considering my creations, and may you discover a piece that captures your heart!

Shop Six Arrows Design Co here:

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