Creator Connection: DizzyDaisy

Creator Connection: DizzyDaisy


Good day my friends, Welcome to Dizzy Daisy Dresses and more! Here you will find a home for natural and homemade wonders. Dizzy Daisy was part of a dream to own a home business that grew out of giving to others.


The first Dizzy Daisy skirt was not made for business, and at the time I had no idea that a business would even grow out of it. It started because little girls in our town started roaming into our church building, one little girl brought a second and those brought more. These girls were hungry both for food and for love. So my family felt the call to be their home away from home. We taught these girls, played games with these girls, had tea parties for these girls, and let them be a part of our family.


It didn’t take long to recognize that these girls had nothing nice or pretty, and everything they had was tattered. How did you meet the clothing need without offending the parents or singling them out? The girls wanted to have a Christmas program, so we put something together and they, along with the other children from our church practiced hard. They wanted so much for their moms and dads to come and see them perform.


As the time grew closer, I knew I had to do something. They wanted to be pretty and as they tried to figure out between themselves what they might wear that was similar, I remembered a piece of fabric that had been given to me years ago that would pass for Christmas. I pulled out that fabric and made 13 little Dizzy Daizy skirts. Then, I went to Walmart and bought blouses to match and decided they needed scarves too. I had enough scraps left over to make them all scarves, and scarves for the ladies that participated in the program too. Then there were young men in our church too. I had enough scraps to make them bow ties.


In the last practice before the program, we showed the girls the skirts. They were absolutely overjoyed. They wore them for the program, they wore them to school, and they wore them for their school Christmas concert! Every time we turned around, they were talking about those outfits. They planned with the church kids when to wear them again. It made them feel so much like they were a part of something bigger.


Dizzy Daizy still wasn’t a business or even thinking about being a business. My eldest daughter and I went to a camp for boys and girls in a small town. I had made a few of the skirts to take to camp because it was always hard for me to see the girls with nothing look longingly at the pretty things other girls had. I fell the day before camp and sprained my ankle. I was very sad because I love to play games with young people and build relationships with them. We got to camp I had all but 10 skirts I needed to give one to every girl.


I had taken my machine like I always do, in case there was a mishap. And I didn’t know why, but I had thrown a box of fabric in the car too. Since I couldn’t run and play I sewed. I made the 10 skirts I needed so everyone could take one home. The girls were ecstatic. They stood by the table while I sewed. I made scrunchies to match them all. As soon as I started passing them out they started being worn, even to play outside.


The girls were so sweet and so excited that the effort to make them ended up being super precious to me. I ended up with more joy than all the girls put together, I believe. Well, the adults started asking if I could make them one, and telling me that I should make these to sell as “the style is very much in fashion.”


I thought about it for weeks. Now over 100 skirts later I am starting a business. Maybe it will make enough to continue to purchase more fabric to make more skirts for hurting little girls, maybe it will someday allow me to work part-time, so I have more time to invest in these little girls and young ladies in our town and help them grow to succeed in life.


Well, what is the “more?” in Dizzy Daisy? In the dark eons of the past, I made homemade soap. I have always longed to get back to making it. I wanted to make a 100% truly all-natural soap that was had no fragrance oils and manufactured colorants. I began on an adventure to learn how to craft the soap I desired. I knew I wanted the benefits of goat’s milk and nature’s remedies. Thus, was born Dizzy Daizy Soaps. These soaps are made from only 100% natural ingredients including nature's colorants (clays, turmeric, carrots, strawberries, beets, coffee, etc.) There are no preservatives or artificial fragrances or colorants. The scent is very mild because of this, but being natural is more important than having fancy scents. Our soaps are made with ingredients believed to be healing and refreshing. Made the old-fashioned way, the way God ordained. You will find our soaps are gentle, refreshing, and creative. They will be added as they are available.


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