All Sad Things Become Untrue.

All Sad Things Become Untrue.

By Jessy Paulson

There is a sign hanging in my workshop that says All sad things become untrue. The bottom of the sign quotes the verse Romans 8:28. This sign has been in the background, catching my eye every day as I have curated this issue of Gritty Faith, a constant reminder that there is more happening under the surface, more that I do not yet understand, that I do not yet see. It has been a steady reminder to trust the process.

Every fall, I map out the upcoming year for Gritty Faith, deciding on the themes for each issue and working side-by-side with the regular contributors to find the best place within the platform to use their words and work. Then I hold space for all of the stories yet to come in the upcoming year. The people that bravely approach me with a nudge on their heart to share their very personal story within these pages. I know without a doubt that every time someone approaches me about sharing, it is a divine connection. I know that God has led us to meeting and that their words will unfold to be exactly what is needed within these pages.

When I hold space for God to work, He shows up. Every single time. For 15 issues, He has shown me time and time again how to trust the process.

This time, I really began to wonder what God was up to. Last fall, this issue was named Bursting with Goodness. I envisioned a lighter issue, one seeping with joy. I even gave that direction to our regular contributors, asking them to create content that leaned into lighter topics.

Then God started weaving, as He does each issue, bringing in new people to share their stories within these pages. The stories He sent this time were those of sudden tremendous heartbreak, child loss due to suicide, disabilities that were life changing, stories of hardships that felt… well heavy and hard, not light and joyful.

The name and the vision of this issue felt disconnected with the stories God was asking me to share.

Every time I would pause to question what was happening, that sign in my workshop began to beat the steady anthem that I tend to forget, the reminder that all sad things become untrue.

Because the truth is, no matter what rosy colored shades we try to place on our lives, we are all carrying hard and heavy burdens through the trenches. Yes, words of encouragement, positive affirmations, and looking on the bright side all help us find more light in our lives, but even when we are boldly standing in the bright sun, there are always shadows being cast.

The most honest confession is that we are always living in a state of both. Dark and light. Happy and sad. Joyful and heavy. Even during the best times, even during the saddest moments, both exist.

The truth is, God is using the narratives of each of us for good. Even the saddest, most heart-wrenching words within these pages are bursting with goodness because He is in it. He is sitting with us in the pain. He is cradling our broken hearts. He is using the brave words we utter as a flashlight in the darkness to lead us, and others, to Him.

Whether we are bursting with gratitude, joy, disappointment, anger, or sadness in this moment, we can also hold the truth that our story will gracefully hold all of these emotions and in the end be bursting with goodness because of Him.


Originally published as From the Editor Gritty Faith v18 

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